Hazina Estate in South B. | image source: the-star.co.ke

Police are investigating an incident in which five family members were shot and seriously wounded this morning by a gang of four.

The five were attacked by the robbers at their home in South B and according to police reports, the robbers stole jewellery and cash from the five before shooting them.

In other news,the Tobacco Controls Board has urged County governments to crackdown on shisha joints. According to the board shisha uptake has increased despite the dangers it poses to health of its consumers and this attributed to misinformation about the product. The board added that sale of flavoured tobacco contravenes the Tobacco Control Act.

In Migori, the County's Police Commander David Kirui has raised concern that drug-traffickers are now using bodabodas to smuggle bhang into the country from Tanzania. Kirui says that the drug-traffickers prefer to use motorcycles because they can use routes which Police can not easily access.

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