Bramwell Mwololo hosted Gospel musician Size 8 in the Radio Jambo studio during his Mazungumzo Wazi Wazi show on Friday.

Size 8, who is married to Gospel disk jockey DJ Mo, talked about her new song, , which she released on Sunday and also about challenges she faced while transitioning from a secular artist to a Gospel musician.

It was not the only thing that Size 8 talked about as she also revealed that she was pregnant and expecting her first child with her husband DJ Mo.

The news came as shock to Bramwell who prior to Size 8 releasing that information, had asked Size 8 why she has been doing fewer shows of late.

"Well, I must say that I have been forced to relax a bit because I am pregnant and therefore have to do fewer road shows," Size 8 said.

In June during Father's Day, DJ Mo had hinted on social media that he is about to become a father when he said, "I can not wait to be a dad one day" and a month before he had tweeted Size 8 during Mother's Day that he could not wait to tell her "Happy Mother's Day."

This is second time in 48 hours that Size 8, who has been guarded about her private, was talking about the pregnancy in public after revealing on Thursday in a interview with that she was 6 months pregnant.

The full audio of Size 8 revealing her being pregnant to Bramwell can be listened to in the audio clip shared below.