
We totally understand that you can't get enough of talented comedians, Propesa. Their brand of comedy is a perfect piece of art. From their hilarious sketches to their various characters, Propesa has won the heart of many.

You can't help but love Propesa, they've become a force to reckon with in the comedy industry.

The local Kalenjin comedy group which has since relocated to Nairobi from Nakuru months after not only conquering the Rift Valley but sweeping the entire nation off its feet with their unique talent.

Fans love their take on varies issues from tackling social problems to politics and sports topics.

Propesa is made up of; Kiprono Ruto, Dennis Ruto aka Kiptangus, Dennis Too aka Chemos and Propesa himself.

For years now everyone has in one way or another found themselves embroiled in a discussion about which tribe takes the trophy for being ferocious animals between the sheets.

Many choose to lean towards their respective tribes while only a few opt to swallow big chunks of humble pie and admit that they suck in the sack.

Well according to a number of ladies whom I've asked, they claim that Kalenjins are actually the best in bed, hands down.

So with the amazing Propesa in town we decided to throw the same question at them and put this matter to bed, literally.

"So rumor has it that Kalenjins are good in bed, do you agree?" I asked as the four members grinned from ear to ear.

''It is not an allegation, it is a fact and the truth an open fact. Of all the questions you have asked now this one hit the nail on the head. Propesa answered.  Kalenjins are (sex) marathoners meaning they can run for three hours non-stop. So the secret behind our prowess in bed is firstly Mursik (Kalenjin traditional drink) which serves as an energizer, secondly Mursik and also thirdly mursik plus another secret ingredient known as Gusaret.

Watch the hilarious video below.