
A middle-aged man from Kang’oo village in Gatundu North Sub County is recovering from grave burns after his girlfriend poured hot water on his chest following a love dispute.

Peter Waithaka is said to have engaged in a row with Leah Nyambara on 10th March 2017 at Kang’oo shopping centre leading to the attack.

‘Nyambara came as I was taking my beer at a local bar and started shouting at me; I asked her to leave me alone and as I took more beer with my friends, she went to her house, boiled water and using a thermos she carried the hot water to where we were. She splashed the water on my chest unexpectedly. She is suspecting that I have another girlfriend and that, prompted the row,’ narrated Waithaka.

Speaking while grimacing in pain outside his house in Kang’oo on Sunday, Waithaka said he immediately fell unconscious and was rushed to Igegania level four for urgent medical attention where he was admitted for three days before he was discharged. He revealed that the condition of his wounds had since improved following quick and effective medication.

He said that the said girlfriend has since gone into hiding after being confronted by fuming locals who wanted to lynch her. ‘The young lady is a no go zone. She is ever in fights with us but the Waithaka incident was extreme. We are warning her to continue hiding because we will not allow her to reside in our peaceful village,’ said John Mwangi,’ a resident.

The ailing man reported the matter to Mwea police officers who according to him are yet to apprehend Nyambara.

Waithaka now wants action taken against Nyambara who owns a green grocery shop before she does more harm to him. He also wants the hospital bill to be paid by Nyambara.

Nyambara joins a list of women involved in domestic abuse against their husbands, with wives resorting to using hot water to burn their men, with the recent one happening in Nyeri County.

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