
You can imagine my shock when word reached us that Betty Kyallo had moved out of her posh apartment in the Kilimani area.

I was gobsmacked! What could have occasioned this move? It didn’t help that the rumours circulating around had it that she had been kicked out by her sbonza/benefactor.

You see, according to the rumours, the sbonza whose car she has been driving had tired of her and decided to end things. She lost the car she was seen around town in aswell as the apartment.

I refused to believe these rumours, instead choosing to believe that her move was advised by her business circumstances. You see, I have a business and I know that sometimes things go south and when that happens, you have to tighten your belt and brace yourself for some tough times ahead.

Could this be the reason why the lass who had splashed close to 300,000 on a handbag had chosen to vacate the Kilimani premises?

A colleague of mine who happens to be abit of a romantic instead chose to believe that perhaps and her estranged husband had finally reconciled!

So the three options we have as to why she moved out of her Kilimani apartment are:

  1. Sbonza has dipped
  2. Business reasons
  3. Reconciliation with Denis Okari

But first things first, we had to confirm that she had indeed moved house. We went to where she used to live and it was confirmed that she had indeed moved out with all her furniture. With this out of the way, the only thing left to do was to call her and find out.

She informed us that she hadn’t moved out because of a sponsor who had withdrawn his benevolence. She makes all her own money. Even the money to drive a Porsche Cayenne if she damn well pleases!

And as far as business is going, she is doing great!

So what about a reunion with Denis Okari? Listen to how she reacted to that in the audio below: