
Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi ‘Sonko’ has picked Vivo Energy Managing Director Polycarp Igathe to be his running mate in the coming general elections in August.

The flamboyant politician-cum-businessman is vying for the seat of the Governor of Nairobi. He has been asking Nairobians to chose for him the individual he should pick as his running mate. Some of the proposed individuals were former Starehe MP Margaret Wanjiru, Dagoretti MP Dennis Waweru, Nairobi Women aspirant Millicent Omanga, Businessman Jimnah Mbaru, Former Town clerk John Gakuo, Former Presidential aspirant James Kiyapi and Janet Ouko.

Sources told The Star Igathe made the announcement to Vivo Energy staff members after a closed-door meeting with Sonko at about 11am on Tuesday.

Well, what is it about this man Polycarp Igathe that made Sonko settle on him?

Well, how about we reveal to you 5 things that you don’t know about Polycarp Igathe.

1. Polycarp Igathe is a father of three children, though he looks young. Actually, the youthful businessman is 44-years-old and has been around for a while. Respect the man.

2. The man who might be Nairobi’s next deputy governor says he loves to eat ugali, sukuma wiki and Matumbo. Yes, for those who thought that the rich only love sushi and seafood, think again. Furahia kuwa Mkenya!

3. He is NOT Chris Kirubi’s son as has been widely alleged. Apparently, many of people out there believe that Polycarp Igathe is the son of Nairobi tycoon Chris Kirubi, but this is not so. The MD has however been rolling with that rumour and it seems to be going just well for him.

4. Poycarp Igathe was involved in a gun drama and nearly died. This confrontation was between Igathe and Nominated Senator Paul Njoroge, who shot in the air to stop workers from closing down a Shell petrol station he operated on Nairobi-Nakuru highway.

5. Polycarp Igathe has expensive taste. Allow me to explain what I mean. The guy takes advantage of the fact that people think he’s Chris Kirubi’s son, and let’s them buy him expensive champagne and whiskey. He also has a state of the art vehicle.

And to add onto this list... here is a brief history of his career. Before becoming Vivo MD, he worked as the Kenya Association of Manufacturers chairman, the Managing and Executive Director of Haco Industries Kenya and the director of Mercantile Insurance Company.

He was also Uchumi supermarkets director from May 2015 to March 23, 2016.