Are you an athlete? If yes, which kind of sport do you play? Is it an ordinary sport common for every mwananchi or that of the Mr. Moneybags? I mean golf. Well, if you don’t play it and the closest you have come face-to-face with that tiny ball is by peeping through a golf course fence then you are just an ordinary Kenyan like me.

On Sunday, Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi and other NASA leaders held a rally in Nakuru but it was disrupted by heavy rains.

They arrived in style to the event. Just like their counterparts who have adapted to more sophisticated and super flamboyant lifestyles, they landed in choppers bringing Afraha stadium to a standstill, hence making it hard for the men in blue to control the hundreds of people who had turned out for the rally.

Here is the video showing the four choppers that were used by NASA principles. They have no time to waste in traffic.