- bodaboda (1)
- fred boda

Once upon a time we had a gentleman by the name, Fred, a bodaboda rider from Kibera who went out of his way to provide free boda boda services to the elderly, expectant mothers and disabled Kenyans, during the just concluded general elections.

The bodaboda guy  however did not get the limelight for his noble act and instead guess who ended up stealing it?

The Githeri man! If by now you don't know whom I am talking about his name is Martin Kamotho the man who won many Kenyan's hearts after a photo of him holding a paper bag of Githeri while queuing to vote went viral on social media.

According to Radio Jambo presenter, Toldo Qurya, he believes the bodaboda guy deserved much attention since barely no one talked about him.

Read his Facebook page below.

The guy who was in the line EATING GITHERI stole the limelight on 8th of August while THE BIG HEARTED ONE was assumed...

the boda boda guy was ferrying voters for free(disabled,aged,pregnant women) no one is taking about him... thanks Elayne for recognizing this hero. I salute you!

Between the boda boda guy and the githeri man who is your hero here?

Honestly whom do you think was your unsung hero?

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