
Diamond Platnumz’s rumoured side chick, Hamisa Mobetto is about to unveil the face of her kid.

This however happened yesterday during her son’s 40 days, an event that happens after the new born hits 40 days.

Hamisa has made headlines for alluding that her son was sired by Diamond Platnumz. Accusations that the award winning singer is yet to address.

Apparently, Hamisa has named her son after Diamond, Abdul Naseeb. Giving these rumours more credence. The child’s first Instagram account that is managed by Hamisa says he is Diamond Platnumz’s son.

She has another account for her son but controls the two accounts.

After giving birth, Diamond's mother and sister went to see the model in hospital and brought along gifts.

Hamisa and Diamond were rumoured to be dating mid last year after she was featured by Platnumz in his video Salome.

Zari, who is Diamond’s main chick and have two kids together, has not spoken out about this issue.

Hamisa went online to show the world her son as she asked God to give him the grace to have good things spoken about him.

Here are photos of Hamisa as she prepared to unveil her son:




