
The family of a 14-year-old girl sodomised in Murang'a three years ago has appealed for medical assistance saying her condition is worsening.

The mentally challenged victim suffered serious damage to her private parts during the ordeal.

On Sunday, her mother said she urgently needs surgery to rectify her rectum that was severely damaged.

"Every time she goes for a long call, she comes out of the toilet bleeding. She is handicapped and cannot manage the situation...she suffers most when relieving herself. It is very painful to see her suffering.

The woman said the suspect was arrested and prosecuted at Murang’a law courts but that the case was later dismissed under mysterious circumstances.

At school, she said, her daughter is alienated by other children due to her condition.

“Her classmates do not even want to touch her seat or pen and she is forced to stay alone."

The single mother of five noted the problem can only be rectified through an operation but that she does not have enough money.

The girl's headteacher said she is suffering psychologically as she does not have friends.

"Any help accorded to this family would be highly appreciated and would help the girl and the family to finally put that incident behind them."


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