
A court in has set up a divorce examination to ensure that couples who wish to divorce are absolutely ready to end their marriage.

The husband and the wife must fail the test together for their divorce application to be granted.

Questions in the examination range from their spouse's favourite food to their in-laws' birthdays.

A couple in their 30s, who were among the first to take the exam, have reportedly had their divorce application rejected by the court in Yibin, Sichuan, Province, because they performed "too well" in the exam.

The couple were reported to be a mother of two and her husband and they applied for a divorce on September 14, according to .

The husband and wife scored an incredible 80 and 86 points respectively. Therefore, they were not allowed to dissolve their marriage.

According to the court, both members must score less than 60 per cent to divorce.

The exam was suggested by Magistrate Wang Shiyu at the Sichuan Yibin People's Court.

The paper is divided into three parts, which include 'fill in the blanks', 'short question' and 'statements'. The full score is 100.

Questions are set to cover basic information such as family members' birthdays, anniversary dates and food preferences.

It starts with simple questions such as 'When is your partner's parents' birthday?' and 'What is your partner's favourite food?'

It then continues on to in-depth questions, which require longer answers.

One of the questions asks: 'What responsibility did you take up in this family? What did you do good and what did you do bad?'

Another one asks: 'What is marriage and family to you?'

Magistrate Wang told the reporter that the examination was aimed to identify the problem and differences between the couple.

Commenting on the couple whose divorce application was rejected, magistrate Wang said: "It seems the husband is addicted to gambling and rude to his spouse. He also shows a lack of responsibility to the family."

But the magistrate believed the couple was still in love based on the high marks they had achieved.

He also added that the woman appeared to be calmer than before after taking the exam.

Candidates who achieve scores above 60 would be considered as being responsible to the family; and those achieved below 60 indicated the marriage is at the verge of breaking up.

However, Magistrate Wang did not state how to standardise the marking scheme.

Courtesy Dailymail