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The death toll from the Mogadishu truck bomb has risen to 276, with the world describing the attack as the deadliest ever in Somalia's history.

Saturday's savage attack targeted a busy street close to several important ministries in Somalia's capital. Officials say about 300 people were wounded.

"This is the deadliest attack ever," police official Ibrahim Mohamed told AFP.

Here are the horrific scenes from the attack


 #KamukunjiMP‏...Horrific images, unbelievable devastation. We must stand with the people of Mogadishu. #MogadishuMassacre

Mohamed Nor Amalow‏.....A mother lost 9 of her children in yesterday's massacre & has since lost her wits It is among the saddest stories from October 14 #Mogadishu

AMB:Amina Mohamed‏...Kenya strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Mogadishu, Somalia, in which over 200 lives were lost & scores injured.

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