
They say the love between a father and daughter is forever and I agree with that. Celebrated gospel artiste and media personality Kambua Manundu Mathu is a great example. The beautiful singer is among the few women who are or rather was close with their fathers.

Just like any other caring father, the late Professor Manundu was very supportive to his daughter and every passing year, she occasionally writes tributes to him on her social media platforms. Six months ago, Kambua penned down a touching message remembering her father who died three years ago.

“3 years my Daddy, three years since God called you home. On a day like this in 2014 I was rubbing your feet and your hands, wondering why they were getting so cold. I didn’t understand that you were slowly transitioning from this side of life.

No one will ever understand the gap you left in my life. I see bits and pieces of you in our family. Mummy is such a strong woman. You really got heaven’s best. Babu and Ndzomo, I would never trade for anything and their babies are a replica of the man you were.

I hope I make you proud with the choices I make and the accolades I earn. I hope in some way I carry your legacy with the honor you truly deserve. Sleep on my daddy. In a little while Tutaonana tena. 09/04/2017.”

Well, yesterday, Kambua was the guest on stylish pastor Robert Burale’s show (TheRBLiveShow) where they talked about the importance of Father and Daughter relationships. 


Kambua, who is yet to overcome her loss poured out her heart revealing the kind of man her father was.

“My father taught me about being a bold, a confident woman and loving God. Everything  I have become I owe to him for instilling confidence in me. Reminding me that I  was able to accomplish whatever it is I set out to do,” Kambua said.

The Bado Nasimama hit singer who got married to popular pastor Jackson Mathu who many refer to as her ‘ancestor’ due to their age difference, has never let critics deter her from doing what she loves most; singing and spreading the gospel to the younger generation.

“He led by example and saw him try on so many different things. He told me it was okay to try and fail but to keep trying.”


“He told me I was beautiful. I have never had any doubt when criticism has been thrown my way about my physical appearance, the person I am because the most important man in my life already told me I was beautiful.”

Kambua revealed that his father was her greatest support and he was always there for her.

“My dad loved people and celebrated people. I’m not only to learning to emulate him but even be a better person to make him proud. I thank him for the role that he played in my life.”

The Kubamba TV host reminisces on the great moments she shared with her father and she wished that he was alive to see the type of daughter she has grown into.

“I wish my father was alive to see the confident daughter I have become.”

Kambua also revealed that his father trusted pastor Mathu with his daughter and told him to take good care of her when he went to ask for her hand in marriage.

“Sijamfukuza, ukichoka na yeye, mrudishe,” these were Kambua’s father’s dad to her husband.

Kambua has advised fathers out here to show love to their daughters and support them.

“You’re her king, her everything and world. My father was my world. You have a role to play, to speak confidence in her life and love her. To tell her it’s ok to make mistakes and pick yourself up again.”

Kambua also called out deadbeat fathers telling hem to take responsibilities of their actions.

Watch the full interview