betty bayo

Award-wining singer Betty Bayo separated from her husband Pastor Victor Kanyari after he was exposed as a fraud pastor who performed fake miracles to his followers. There was public outcry, with Kenyans condemning the man of the cloth for conning believers who were gullible.

Kenyans also trolled Betty Bayo, with others trying to link her to the scam, but she denied having any knowledge of his actions, She disappeared from the public and many months after we heard she was pregnant with her second child. It was revealed that this WAS NOT Kanyari’s pregnancy, when he was interviewed about becoming a father once again.

Since then she has been silent on the current status of their relationship, it has been unclear whether the two completely divorced after that incidence.

Well, during an interview conducted by Jeremy Damaris on a US based TV station (Kikuyu Diaspora) she opened up about the whole issue, and more so if she is still together with her ex Pastor Kanyari.

She narrated the whole story. “At first I was so wounded with the whole issue, and as you know, no one would want to be in that situation where everyone is looking at you as a bad person, but sometimes God uses such situations so that other people can learn from your issue.

She added that she is not the kind of person who would give up on their career because their family is in a mess, saying ‘I cannot commit murder rather I can only take soup to add more energy to cope with the situation’.

I have never missed any performance even after the incidence. Can you imagine how hard it was, the whole world knew what was happening, but you still have to compose yourself and rise above that situation and face it no matter what. It was not easy.

What I can say so far about my family is that it is at flight mode, adding that she cannot talk more about the situation, that is a topic to only be paused to further discussion.

If her former husband changed and became a better person, would she go back to him? Well…. she said, I don’t think I would go back to him but that is a topic not to be discussed but if you ask me about music, I would answer but not anything about my family because I am living and enjoying everything in God.”

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