
A determined youth in Baringo County who scored a mean grade of D (stand) in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) is now set to publish his ‘Kiswahili’ novels.

It has always become a common phenomenon in Kenya that anybody who scores grade D+ and below in KCSE has already failed horribly in life.

Sometimes, apart from being called names, like ‘academic dwarf’ or ‘slow learner’ just to mention a few, the candidate is also condemned to go and take low profile courses in the middle-level colleges or informal vocational skills in the village polytechnics.

But Mwinyi Kang’ngwony, 27, has defied odds to pursue his rear literature writing career, aiming to join a few intellectuals in the worldly coveted arena of book publishing.

He sat for his KCSE at Kilingot Day secondary school in Baringo North in 2013. He looks jovial and leaves nothing to regrets saying he is comfortable with his mean grade of D. (stand) and C. (stand in Kiwashili).

The humble and soft-spoken lad hails from a sleepy Tiloi village in Ossen, Baringo North Sub-county.

Despite financial challenges, Mwinyi hopes that one day he will get sponsorship to publish his two books entitled, ‘Patu Patu za Maisha’ and ‘Soka Kisungumguti,’ that he says could unearth challenges people face in daily lives and also help students improve their ‘Kiswahili’ subject.

Apart from book publishing Mwinyi also has an inborn passion in Journalism; he says if he had financial aid he could join the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC) to pursue his media career.

-Joseph Kangogo

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