- meme no (1)
- Kuldip and Ashman Sapra

It is interesting and eyebrow raising news when a human being turns down a lot of wealth or walks away from bundles and bundles of money.

Well, a dentist has renounced her interest in the Sh700 million estate of her deceased husband.

Nisha Sapra has been embroiled in a dispute over control of the property. She had been accused of killing the husband.

The estate is being administered by her two brothers-in-law, Kuldip and Ashman Sapra, who have been charged with attempting to acquire the estate irregularly. They have objected to taking a plea, saying the case was filed against them to sabotage a High Court succession case filed in 2011.

Kuldip and Ashman were appointed joint administrators of the estate by Justice Aggrey Muchelule, but Nisha filed an objection. The succession case is pending before Justice Muchelule.

-The Star

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