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- Jamila Mohammed 2 (1)

After Linus Kaikai bowed out of NTV, another media personality, Jamila Mohamed has exited the company barely two weeks later.

Linus is currently consulting for Citizen TV. Check that news out over .

Top Swahili news anchor Jamila Mohamed has left NTV. She has been with the company from 2002.

 Jamila was appointed Managing Editor of QTV Kenya in 2015 and was also currently the Manager Programming and Content Development at NTV Kenya before her exit.

Jamila broke the news to her fans and viewers during her last broadcast on Wednesday's NTV Jioni.

Everyone was shocked.

Jamila did not say where she will be heading to. Her colleagues and fans took to social media to express how much they will miss her delivery of news in perfect swahili and wished her well in her career.

Here are some of the screenshots.