- Alfred Mutua21
- Alfred Mutua

This is a story about the distinct scar mark on Governor Alfred Mutua's forehead.

In a recent interview, mheshimiwa spoke about how he ended up with the scar.

Alfred got the scar as a young boy horsing around with his pals in Kibra. Him and his pals made a make shift go-cart and in their infinite wisdom decided to test drive it down a hilly playground.

They took turns pushing each other.

Then came the chance for Alfred to ride the go-cart. It raced downhill and onto the road where a car missed running over him by the skin of his teethe. He lost control of the cart and huddled head first into a concrete ditch.

He told P Live, "When I was a kid we were playing and we were quite stupid. We were making go-karts which we would sit on at a high place then push each other downhill. So one time as I going downhill at high a speed and went straight into a road. Luckily I managed to pass before a car ran me over.”

This is not Alfred Mutua's only brush with near death experiences. A few years back when he was the Government spokesman, he had a freak accident while organizing a music event for his firm, Golden Dreams company.

"I fell from a horse and it nearly killed me. I was preparing for East Africa Music awards my company had put together,” he said.

After this, Alfred has sworn off ever riding a horse in his life ever again.

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