jah jah

Jahmby Koikai has been in Atlanta for specialized treatment.

Through her Instagram, she has been giving updates on her recuperation. The Fyah Mummah's recent post has scared a lot, but she clearly says that there's nothing to worry about because she is recovering very fast.

The multi talented media personality is well known for her energy on stage and her passion for reggae.

Jahmby is in Atlanta for medical treatment for Endometriosis and she is passionate about creating awareness about the condition which she says that a lot of women don't have knowledge about it.

In her latest post, she posted a positive feedback where she updated her followers that the endometriosis in her uterus and ovaries were successfully removed.

Read the post below.

It's been a month of raising awareness on Endometriosis and i don't think it should stop there. I think we should raise awareness all year round. 

Update: been in hospital for over two weeks now. I had 4 chest tubes inserted and needed a walker to go to the bathroom and for physiotherapy. I will not describe the pain because i lack words that aptly fit what I've been through. So the endometriosis in my uterus, bowel area and ovaries was completely removed. The biggest challenge has been my lungs. The endometriosis had spread so much and the scar tissue plus the placement of wrong chest tubes back at home created this mess. My cardio-thoracic surgeon here cannot believe all what had been to my chest and right lung area. 

God has been so great. Your prayers are reaching God's ears, heart, soul and mind. He sees and hears all. Thank you for all your prayers, love and support. We all focusing on healing and therapy. So the last two weeks have been filled with agony, pain, tears and more tears. But we serve a living God. 3 chest tubes were removed 2 days ago and i only have one small one left. I'm now able to walk on my own. Breathe easy. Talk and laugh etc.

I'm able to sit up, color my books, listen to music as i thank God for every little thing He has done in my life. Your prayers, love and support are so welcome. God has blessed us with so many people who are taking care of us even when they shouldn't. God is awesome.

I'd also like to urge women to go and get checked so as to avoid issues like these later in life.

We wish her quick recovery.

We need the oomph and the fire back on stage.

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