- kenyatta
- file photo of uhuru kenyatta with primary pupils

In Mathira constituency, a woman has gained popularity upon naming her new born child after Kenyan president, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta.

The lady expressed the struggles she went through while trying to conceive revealing that she had lost four pregnancies in a row and even when she delivered a baby, the baby would die after birth.

When asked about her bold decision to name her new born son after the president she said her struggles to become a mother are as similar as those faced by H.E Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta when had his case at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

 "I am so happy to be a mother. I am naming him after President because I passed through challenges to get him, similar to Uhuru's ICC troubles," she said

Margaret Wairimu Mwangi, said her husband left her for another woman because he was disappointed she couldn't carry her pregnancy to full term. Ms Mwangi, who successfully delivered through cesarean section, said she named her son after Uhuru Kenyatta because of her unending love for the president.

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