- Mike Sonko at the tree planting
- Keriako Tobiko

Nairobi MCAs have demanded for an immediate apology from Environment CS Keriako Tobiko for disrespecting Governor Mike Sonko.

On Saturday, during the national tree planting day event at the Moi Forces Academy in Kamukunji, Tobiko tried to prevent Sonko from making an address by openly not giving him an opportunity.

President Uhuru Kenyatta, his deputy William Ruto and other leaders were present during the event.

The protocol hitch led Sonko to angrily grab the microphone and start to speak, just as the Deputy President stood to make his address. Ruto was forced to sit down and let Sonko speak.

The outspoken governor said he read mischief in Tobiko’s conduct and told him off in front of the President and his deputy that respect is two-way traffic.Read here for more

“The State programme is very clear, I am supposed to speak after the national anthem, then invite the minister who is to invite the DP

The President has not disbanded Nairobi County government. You must stop this habit of disrespecting the county government,” a visibly angry Sonko said.

Sonko has previously accused the Executive of trying to run the show at City Hall.

Now Nairobi MCAs are demanding for an apology from Tobiko.

Led by Waithaka Ward MCA Anthony Karanja, who is also the chairperson of planning committee at the county assembly, the MCAs said it is now apparent that there is a section of the executive that is out to frustrate Sonko.

They want to make sure Sonko fails to deliver on his mandate by sabotaging him, Karanja said.

“Today at Moi Forces Academy, it was very clear that Tobiko did not recognize the presence of Governor Sonko. Actually, this is not the first time that Sonko is being subjected to this kind of humiliation, we have just been silent about it,” said Karanja.

He said they are soon going to let Nairobians know the behind the scenes schemes that are meant to frustrate Sonko and paint him as a non-performer.

“Nairobi County is not able to perform well because of the frustrations by the section of the Executive, but we are now not going to allow them,” he said.

He said for the first time, Nairobi County government and the National government were being led by leaders from the Jubilee Party and they should therefore use the golden opportunity and work together for the benefit of the millions of Nairobians.

“It is very unfortunate that something like that happened in a function attended by the Head of State and his deputy. We hope that President Uhuru is going to intervene and ensure that Sonko is allowed space to deliver on his promise to his people,” he added.

Mlango-Kubwa MCA, who is also the chairlady of Ward Development Fund, Patricia Mutheu said disrespecting the governor is disrespecting the 45 elected MCAs.

“Disrespecting Sonko means disrespecting the MCAs, which means disrespecting the will of those who woke up early on August 8 to go and vote for them. We demand respect and we demand an apology,” she said.

She said even if some leaders in the Executive do not respect Sonko, they should at least respect the office of the governor as an institution and the 800,000 people that voted for him.

They spoke during a press conference at City Hall on Saturday evening.

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