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Ladies and gentlemen, after 4 years of patiently waiting, the world cup is finally here! Yes the biggest showpiece in the world is already underway and yes that is the sole reason why your beloved dad is now coming home early than ever.

The greatest footballing show piece kicked off on Thursday, June 14, 2018 and will run till 15th July, 2018.

Millions of Kenyans have either become first time TV owners or upgraded their sets to ‘accommodate’ their football needs for the next four weeks. Fans across the world have also bought football kits in support of their favorite nations.

With billions of eyes expected to follow the showpiece, we are bound to experience happiness, disappointment, anger as well as hilarious moments from the fans, or rather from our football loving dads.

With the World Cup getting juicier each day, I assure you that our dads will not be leaving the living room any time soon and with some already enjoying their leave days, these are some of the things you should expect from your dad.

Early home arrivals

If your daddy used to arrive home jaded and stressed just minutes to mid night after you have enjoyed your series and tele novellas, those days are gone now. He will be showing up hours earlier than anyone just to catch his favorite matches with games kicking off as early as 3pm.

Football themed decorations

If your living room is full of family portraits, do not act surprised when your die hard football loving dad ‘suspends’ a couple of them just to create room for some art works, flags or even scarfs of the nation he’s backing to bag the World Cup trophy.

Remote manager

When any match kicks off and your interests don’t match your daddy’s, you better keep off the living room or rather forget the TV remote control ever existed. This is because your dad would rather walk with it in his pocket to the washroom than let anyone disrupt his ‘therapy’.

Nyama season!

Do you know what will make you start thanking God for World Cup? The fact that your dad will make sure he does everything to make it up to you for endlessly feeding you with football.

And one way he would easily do that is by ensuring your meat intake doubles since who said football and nyama are not a match made in heaven? So time to meat up!

Fridge stocked with alcohol and refreshments

To add to nyama, dads know way too well that as much as water is essential to the body, the liver kind of understands that a beer or two accompanied by nyama works like a doctor’s prescription. So it’s time to create room in your fridges because daddy is about to fill it with his favorite poison.

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