office crush

Can't stop thinking about someone in the office and desperate for them to ask you out?

If you're under 35, the first thing you'll do is try to flirt with them through a social media app.

Go right ahead – but good luck interpreting his behaviour simply by seeing how many 'likes' he gives you.

In the old days – before dating apps, when people actually met in person – we'd consciously and subconsciously read each other's body language to find out who was interested and who wasn't.

It's a lost art – but a damn good one to reacquaint yourself with because body language can tell you if someone fancies you before they even know it themselves.

Not only that, you can use body language to send secret signals without ever having to be the first one to make the move.

Interested? Here's 16 (secret) signs he's interested.

How to tell if he likes you back: The good news 

His smile gets bigger when he sees you, he moves in close when you speak, leans towards you and makes eye contact.

If he makes direct eye contact but then his eyes slide away, only to come back again, he's nervous but can't help himself looking at you.

His feet point directly towards you

He's sitting down? If he's sitting with legs wide apart and feet firmly planted on the floor, directly facing you, he's effectively saying, 'Here I am. Take a good look at what's about to be yours.'

His 'flirting triangle' is big

Eye movement studies show we look at different parts of other people's faces depending on the situation and level of attractiveness.

With strangers, we make a small triangle by moving our eyes from eye to eye, dipping them as we move across the bridge of the nose.

He's blinking a lot

If someone looks at you and likes what they see, they tend to blink more. This is because the brain associates rapid blinking (batting our eyelashes) with finding someone sexually attractive: the more you blink at someone, the more attracted you feel to them.

He 'squares' when he sees you

In go our tummy's, out goes the chest when we 'square' – he's making himself look his best.

He hesitates when you're around, not knowing whether to leave or stay or chat or not

This means he's nervous but keen for contact.

His body language mimics yours

This is called 'mirroring': we like people who are like us and the quickest, most effective way to bond with someone is to do what they do.

He teases you

He likes you. Men use teasing and sarcasm to show affection.

He tries to attract your attention

This is a very good sign. For some men, this might mean a slight shift in their chair along with a silent prayer you'll notice the flash of movement.

He'll lend you his coat or sweater if you're out and about. This is a VERY clear signal he's keen

It's protective, sexy and an ownership gesture: 'what's mine is yours', something that's been close to my skin is now close to yours. It smelled of him to begin with and it will smell of you when you return it.

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