Baringo residents

52-year old man is fighting for his life at Baringo County Referral hospital in Kabarnet town after his uncle shot him with a poisoned arrow over a fight.

Benjamin Kiptoon cheated death narrowly after his youthful uncle Kipkoech Chesang, 30, planned to kill him at Bukwo village in Kalabata Sub-location, Baringo North Sub-county yesterday.

"I am lucky to be alive, he shot me thrice...I narrowly escaped two arrows but the third spewed directly to my chest, I propelled with my right hand and it unluckily tore through the lower part of my left shoulder" Kiptoon told media from his hospital bed on Friday.

He said it was around 3pm while on the way heading home then he stumbled on the suspect engaging in a fist fight with another youthful neighbor Pius Cherewa.

"No one was around the bush so I decided to get a cane to separate the two...I started lashing Kipkoech who was already seating on top, beating Cherewa on the ground"

Kiptoon said he was totally innocent of whatever transpired before the two picked a fight.

"Kipkoech jumped off from his opponent and took off after ordering me to wait for him there for a minute" he said.

The victim said he had just made a few strides heading home when his uncle appeared to him in stone-throw away distance with poisoned arrows, then started releasing on him one after another.

"He fled away after ensuring the last arrows has hit me,...but I struggled to pull it urgently to remove from my back before screaming loudly so people came to my rescue" he said.

The patient was rushed on a boda boda to Bartabawa dispensary where he received first aid before being referred to Baringo Referral hospital in Kabarnet, about 50kilometers away.

Doctors in the hospital said the arrow did not damage the internal organs and that he is in stable condition.

He victim is ready to be discharged after the wound was disinfected, stitched and dressed.

He said his assailant whom they had earlier quarreled over a theft of sh1,000 had threatened to kill him with arrows one day.

Kalabata sub-location assistant chief Nicolas Luker Confirmed the incident attributing such fights to the residents over indulgence in illicit brew.

"We are soon organizing a major raid with the police to arrest and charge those brewing and selling illegal and local brew" Luker said.

He urged the locals to be careful and to report immediately to police every person threatening to cause harm or take life. Ends


52-year old man Benjamin Kiptoon hospitalized at Baringo Referral hospital after being shot by his uncle with poisoned arrow at Bukwo village in Kalabata Sub-location, Baringo North Sub-county on Thursday.


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