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Some of our politicians have married really beautiful wives and some of them are not just beautiful physically but also have beautiful personalities as they are seen helping out in whatever way they can.

1.Margaret Kenyatta

She is married to the current president of Kenya Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta. She is one of the most beautiful women married to a politician in Kenya. She is also the founder of the Beyond Zero Initiative.

2. Rachel Ruto

Wife to the Deputy president of the republic of Kenya William Ruto is also among the beautiful wives to Kenyan politicians. She is a graceful lady and just like the first lady has her own initiative and loves helping out where she can.

2. Sabrina Jamal

Sabrina is the wife to billionaire Steve Mbogo. She is the sister to Jamal Gadaffi (Former Maisha Mzuqa host). Her and her sister are classy and beautiful for sure they are body goals to many ladies.

3. Philomena Kabogo

Philomena is the wife to former Governor of Kiambu county. She has supported the husband and been on his sides through each step even in the political world and is one of the most beautiful women married to a politician in Kenya.

4. Josephine Mutua

Josephine is Married to Alfred Mutua, Machakos county governor. She has stood by his side even though the current election votes were nullified. She does not only have outward beauty but has been seen helping out in one way or another.

5. Zahra Moi

Zahra is the wife to Baringo County Senator Gideon Moi. She is her own boss and owner of the Lord Erroll restaurant located in Runda estate.  It got the award of restaurant of the year in London.

She was the face of 'Lady Gay' which made her famous when growing up.

6.Tessie Shangatti Mudavadi

She is the wife of NASA co-principal Musalia Mudavadi. She is strong as she has battled cancer and still stands with the husband during his campaigns.

She is among the beautiful wives to politicians.

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