- collage
- raychelle_omamo
- margaret kobia
- Amina_Mohamed
- farida_karoney
- monica juma

Many women in different parts of the world fight for women empowerment and equal gender rule. This has had a great impact in many continents and countries whereby just the other day Ethiopia elected its first female president and in Kenya you find powerful offices been run by women.

1. Ms. Raychelle Omamo

She is the Cabinet Secretary for Defence in Kenya and is the first lady to hold the post. She has been an advocate to the high court for over 27 years of which became the first female chairperson of the law society of Kenya.

2. Dr.Monica Juma

She became the Cabinet Secretary for foreign affairs. Before being appointed to this post she was the Permanent Secretary of Foreign affairs.

3. Prof Margaret Kobia

She is the Cabinet secretary for Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs. Before being appointed she was chairperson of the Kenya Public Service Commission.

4. AMB. Amina Mohammed

Amb. Amina Mohammed is the current Cabinet Secretary  for Education in Kenya. Before taking on her new appointment she was the Cabinet secretary for Foreign affairs.

She previously served as chairwoman of the International Organization for Migration and the World Trade Organisation's General Council, as well as Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.

5. Ms Farida Karoney

She is the Cabinet secretary of lands. She previously worked in Royal Media Services where she was the Editorial Director.

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