queen elizabeth

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex has found herself in hot water after she disobeyed the orders of Queen Elizabeth and other members of the Royal Family.

A Royal Family insider revealed that she got in trouble for seeking her own outside help for her weight loss treatment dubbed ‘Keto Pure’.

Meghan had an interview with Entertainment Today and here she clears the air.

Below is an extract of the interview

All my life I’ve been passionate about taking care of my weight due to the pressures of Hollywood to stay young and look fit. For the last 10 years I’ve been traveling the world and sourcing organic ingredients and weight loss remedies.

The culmination is the launch of my all-female-owned weight loss line which combines the world’s richest and most sought after ingredients at affordable and everyday prices.

meghan and her husband harry.

Entertainment Today: We heard many rumors that you were forced to leave the Royal Family, could you set the record straight?

Meghan: The Royal Family is not happy with me splitting my time up. They made me decide on which direction I was going to focus on the future. Being so turned off by the reaction of their Power Move I have decided to pursue my new weight loss line and dream.

Entertainment Today: Ok, we understand. So the Royal Family didn’t allow you to promote Keto Pure?

Meghan: We were clear from the beginning that  would be my passion project. I wanted to have creative control and run a business that was women centric.

I didn’t feel like it was my obligation to make them feel comfortable to pursue my ambition. They know how much I obsess over weight loss and I put my entire heart and soul into this product to make it perfect.

Source:Entertainment Today

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