Kisumu Insyder

Akothee's has one of the best relationships with her kids especially her daughters, and for that, she wouldn't want them to settle for men who won't establish a strong bond with them.

Speaking in an exclusive interview, Madam Boss who was tasked to highlight the qualities of the right men for her daughters said she is not in the business of choosing lovers for her daughters.

However, if any man wanted to marry one of her adorable daughters, he should for sure love them for whom they are and not at any time relate them to their mother.

She went on to state that she doesn't care whether her daughter marry's a man from a poor or rich background as long as they love each other.

I cannot chose for my kids who they want to marry, love is an universal thing and it depends on how my children wanna feel.

Whether they come from a poor family a rich family, middle class or whatever, as long as someone loves my daughter for who she is and not relating her to her mother, that sh*t is not my cup of tea.

Watch the video below.
