- Wilbroda
- mama baha

If there were good Kenyan actresses who do such a great job at their work that you'd never recognize them off the screens, it has to be these fine women below.


Actress Jacky Vike, popularly known for her role as Awinja in Papa Shirandula TV series, looks completely different in person as her fashion style is trendy and on point.

Mama Baha

The Machachari actress looks so stylish and completely different from her role being the mother of 3 in the Tv series.


The actress from Papa Shirandula, who acts as a nagging wife, turns into a modern gorgeous woman in silence.

You wouldn't recognize her in person.


From the real househelps of Kawangware looks stunning outside her work life.


The Machachari innocent actress looks good in her modern look on the right.

Totally different from her role.

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