Retired President Daniel Arap Moi has mourned his eldest son Jonathan, 64 in a speech read by Baringo Senator Gideon at Kabarak University grounds in Rongai, Nakuru.

Moi described Jonathan as a caring and dedicated son who was enthusiastic in many ways.

"Others knew you as a rally driver, a farmer, JT while to me, you were my son. I have lived my life to the fullest and no father should bury his son but vice versa. I'm happy God chose you to be my son," said Moi.

Moi said that Jonathan's great passion was farming and rallying.

"He had a great passion for farming, that came from me, but rallying, I don't know 'He described him as a kind, uncomplicated person," he said.

Moi added, "The happiest moment for any parent is to know his child has given his life to Christ.  This is the great comfort to know that my son had made space with His maker."

"Jonathan will meet with his Mama, relatives, and friends. We will clothe you with prayers, we will take care of those you have left behind," the former President said.

He added" you made mistakes, you were not perfect. I loved you. I hand you over to God, your maker."

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