
State House spokesperson Kanze Dena was this morning forced to admit where President Kenyatta has been since he secretly jetted into the country two weeks ago.

The Presidents absence on the scene even made KOT question his whereabouts, saying it is urgent for Uhuru to be located wherever he is.

She said President Uhuru Kenyatta is around and carrying out his duties.

"The President is around, it doesn't mean that because he is not seen in public he is not there, he has an office where he goes every day and he is working on several things,” Dena posted on Twitter on Monday morning.

And now State House has gone ahead to share a picture of proof that Uhuru is working.

A statement from State House says he is seen in the picture signing into law the Health Laws (Amendment) Bill of 2018 and the Assumption of the Office of County Governor Bill at State House.

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