governor lonyang'apuo

A few months back, West Pokot governor, John Lonyang'apuo made headlines thanks to his hilarious 'Kijana fupi amenona round' remarks.

He was making the remarks in reference to one of he former MCA aspirant as “Kijana fupi, amenona, round; huwezi jua tumbo ni wapi, mgongo ni wapi”

The speech went viral and every Kenyan grabbed an opportunity to make a meme out of the remarks. In fact, the speech caught the president's attention and had to utter the very same words the moment the two met.

In fact, those were not the only remarks that Kenyans grabbed and ran away with, but if you have watched the entire speech you would agree that every word is worth a meme!

One Kenyan even went ahead and endorsed it as Kenya's best speech ever.

Lonyang'apuo who is now regarded as one of the funniest politicians since president Kibaki, is not slowing down and more videos of him have been unearthed and are picking from where the 'kijana fupi' storm stopped.

Take a look at some of the funniest quotes from Lonyang'apuo.