- snake
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Snakes bites are thought to kill up to 138,000 people each year, with experts calling them 'the world's biggest hidden health crisis'.

Although treatable, antivenom drugs are expensive, leaving people living in underdeveloped countries at risk.

Millions of pounds is being invested into treatments that will improve survival rates for people bitten by venomous snakes.

Treatment has progressed little in the last century, and is too rarely accessible, safe and effective in the places where it is needed the most.

Charity Wellcome is investing around $102m(Ksh 102,000,000) into a programme that aims to make antivenom medication cheaper, safer and more effective.

Professor Mike Turner, director of science at the Wellcome Trust, said: 'Snakebite is or should be a treatable condition'.

There has been almost no investment in snakebite research over the last decade  but it's also one that is solvable with support from WHO [World Health Organization], national governments, industry and other funders.
