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The coldest season of the year is here.

This means cold feet and cold hands. To ensure that the cold weather doesn’t affect your health, you need to keep your body warm.

There are obvious ways to keep the body warm such as wearing warm clothes and wrapping yourself in a blanket, but there are also more less talked about ways to keep the body warm.

Get Moving

Working out in the cold may be the last thing you feel like doing this cold season but it has the opposite effect too. As well as giving you a rush of endorphins which boosts mood, exercise will get the blood pumping around your body and, vitally, heat up your skin.

Eat well and drink warm

While having a hot tea or coffee may make you feel warmer, it's more to do with the caffeine. That is because caffeine increases blood flow to the skin. You may feel warmer as a result, but your body is actually losing heat. Alcohol has the same affect. Try sticking to decaffeinated or herbal hot drinks instead.

Layer your blankets properly

For a cozy bed, use multiple blankets to help trap heat. Start with flannel sheets. Then put your fluffiest comforter on the bottom, and layer thin, dense blankets on top.

Stay Social

With chilly, longer nights in the cold season, you might feel like hibernating at home than catching up with friends, but research shows the later might help with the warm and fuzzies. Social exclusion makes you feel colder than if you were socializing and spending time with people, which warms you up.

Take warm bubble baths

Hot bubble baths are the perfect way to relax your muscles, especially after a long stressful day and it warms you up in just a matter of seconds.