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The internet is awash with photos of the luxurious homes that your favorite politician lives in.

Most recently was Steve Mbogo who took us through his home leaving many jealous of the lavish items he possesses.

Let's take a look at some of the most expensive mansions owned by our politicians

William Ruto

Deputy President owns a palace in him home town in Eldoret.

The house is estimated to have costed Ksh 1.2 billion.

Mike Sonko

The Nairobi Governor owns a huge mansion in his home town Machakos, that is estimated to have cost Ksh 150 million.

Evans Kidero

The former Nairobi county Governor has a huge mansion located in Muthaiga.

William Kabogo

The former Kiambu Governor shows a glimpse of his big mansion with his family in Kiambu.

Anne Waiguru

Kirinyanga's Governor has a huge mansion located in Kitisuru, Kihingo village, where she resides with her two son. It supposedly cost Ksh.150million.

Hassan Joho

Mombasa Governor flaunts his huge mansion on his personal social media site.

It is unknown how much it cost him but it sure does look like a lot.

Charles Jaguar

The singer-cum Starehe MP, shows off his home in Nairobi where he resides with some of his children.
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