Technology and medicine have gone hand and hand for many years. Consistent advances in pharmaceuticals and the medical field have saved millions of lives and improved many others. As the years pass by and technology continues to improve, there is no telling what advances will come next.

Here are some of the 5 new technological discoveries

CRISPR(Clustered Regularly Interspaced  Short Palindromic Repeats)

It works by harnessing the natural mechanisms of the immune systems of bacterium cells of invading viruses, which is then able to ‘cut out’ infected DNA strands. This cutting of DNA is what has the power to potentially transform the way we treat disease. By modifying genes, some of the biggest threats to our health, like cancer and HIV, could potentially be overcome in a matter of years.  

 CRISPR  however,is still a first-generation tool and its full capabilities are not yet understood. 


Telehealth describes a quickly developing technology that allows patients to receive medical care through their digital devices, instead of waiting for face to face appointments with their doctor.

Precision Medicine

Precision medicine, for example, allows physicians to select medicines and therapies to treat diseases, such as cancer, based on an individual’s genetic make up.

This personalized medicine is far more effective than other types of treatment as it attacks tumors based on the patient’s specific genes and proteins, causing gene mutations and making it more easily destroyed by the cancer meds.  

Health Wearables

The demand for wearable devices has grown since their introduction in the past few years, since the release of blue tooth in 2000. People today use their phone to track everything from their steps, physical fitness and heartbeat, to their sleeping patterns. The advancement of these wearable technologies is in conjunction with rising chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and aim to combat these by helping patients to monitor and improve their fitness. 

Artificial Organs

To take 3D printing up another notch, bio printing is also an emerging medical technology. While it was initially ground breaking to be able to regenerate skin cells for skin draughts for burn victims, this has slowly given way to even more exciting possibilities. Scientist have been able to create blood vessels, synthetic ovaries and even a pancreas. These artificial organs then grow within the patient’s body to replace original faulty one. 

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