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If people tell you to stop slaying, remind them that it is none of their business as does this 90-year-old granny who is considered the worlds oldest slay queen on the internet.

Her name is Baddie and is followed on social media by very famous celebrities.

Her wardrobe consists of swimsuits, miniskirts and sheer bodysuits.

Her real name is Helen Ruth Van Winkle, Baddie is derived from the slang term ‘bada*s’, meaning tough.

She became an Internet sensation at the age of eighty-five. Her social media tag line—"Stealing Your Man Since 1928"—has become a popular saying for teens and young adults.

She appeared on social media five years ago after her great-granddaughter helped her post a picture on Twitter.

This launched her social media career. Within 24 hours, the photo had gone viral.

See how she slays on social media, promising to steal your man.

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