Obtaining a score of 60 It is ranked as the least corrupt country in Africa and in the world its number 35. The president unlike many African countries is elected democratically.
2. Cape Verde
It is the second least corrupt attaining a score of 59. In the world its ranked as number 38. Its population is half a million.
Located in Southern Africa is Port Louis. Mauritius is third least corrupt in Africa. With a score of 54, it is ranked 50 in the world. It has a population of 1.3 million.
Located in Eastern Africa is also the third least corrupt in Africa. With a score of 54, it is ranked 50 in the world with Mauritius. It has a population of 11.6 million.
It is the fourth least corrupt in Africa. With a score of 52, it is ranked 53 in the world. Windhoek is the capital city. It has a population of about 2.5 million.
6.Sao Tome & Principe
It is in Central Africa and is the fifth least corrupt. With a score of 46, it is ranked 62 in the world. It has a population of about 4.6 million.
7. Senegal
The west African country is the sixth least corrupt country in the continent. With a score of 45. It is ranked 64 in the world has a population of about 15 million.
8. South Africa
One of the biggest economy in Africa is tied with Senegal as the sixth least corrupt in Africa. With a score of 45, it is ranked 64 in the world. It has a population of about 54.5 million.
The West African country is the seventh least corrupt in Africa. With a score of 43, it is ranked 70 in the world. Transparency International said Ghana is the‘second worst decliner in the 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index’. It has a population of about 27.4 million.
10.Burkina Faso
The country is located in West Africa, Ouagadougou is its capital. It is the eighth least corrupt nation in Africa with a score of 42. It is ranked 72 in the world and has a population of 18 million.