Here is a selection of MP's said to be the best performers. Do you agree? Write your comments below the article.
1. Amos Kimunya
He is a politician and a member of parliament of Parliament for Kipipiri Constituency. He is among the best performing mp's in parliament.
2. Wilberfoce Odhiambo
Many people might not know him, but he represents the people of Funyula constituency.
3. Maoka Maore
Three-term former MP for Ntonyiri Maoka Maore clinched the Igembe North parliamentary seat. His service and good performance has made him been chosen numerous times by the people of these constituencies making him ranked one of the most performing.
4. Amin Ali
Amin is the member of parliament for Laikipia East constituency and is also rated as one of the most performing MP's in Kenya.