Choose a color to be happy!

Colours have the power to do more than just decorate and brighten, they are closely linked to emotions giving them the ability to  make us feel happy or sad.

It’s no secret that we are going through somewhat trying times, and for those stuck at home, cabin fever may be setting in and emotions high. That’s OK, it is perfectly natural after being cooped inside, but there are a few things you can do to make bring a little light to the situation by introducing some colour into your life.

Red, yellow and Orange are all warm colours. These usually often evoke feelings of happiness, optimism and energy. Yellow is a Sun colour meaning that it makes us feel happy and optimistic.

Start by adding pops of colour to your home, maybe a bunch of yellow flowers in your living room or even wear a yellow item of clothing. Adding some yellow into your life has been known to lift the soul.

It doesn't have to stop there, Juicy fruit is now celebrating Yellow and all it stands for. Their new Juicy Fruit yellow pellets want to add some colour to your life all while promising the same great nostalgic taste of Juicy Fruit gum.

So its not just about changing your environment. You can now pack a little bit of sunshine in your pocket. And while it won’t solve all the problems in the world, that little flash of yellow, that little ray of sunshine can remind you that there is still colour in the world!

As Vincent Van Gogh said, “How wonderful yellow is, it stands for the sun!”