Gwada Ogot Presents His Petition To Have Marijuana Legalized In Kenya

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weed cover
Early this morning, a Kenyan resident from Siaya county presented a petition before the Senate’s Health committee chaired by Migori Senator Wilfred Machage. Claiming that the cannabis plant has multiple documented benefits, Gwada Ogot urged the Senate Health committee to legalize weed because it will be of great social and economic gains. "Cannabis sativa indica is used for medicinal and leisure purposes. Cannabis sativa alone can be used for industrial purposes. It can be used as fiber and some of the biggest producers include France and China," Ogot stated while presenting his petition.

While it has been scientifically proven that a patient suffering from fatigue or depression may use a sativa during the day, and another treating pain and insomnia will likely choose an indica strain at nighttime to treat their illnesses, the Kenyan government has been hesitant to legalize marijuana. However Ogot presented his case and pointed out the fact over the last 3 to 4 years, there has been a global effort to legalize weed  in countries all over the world.


"I did my research and found that when marijuana was first legalized in the united states in 1913, it was purely for commercial gain. However today, there have been scientifically proven added advantages to the consumption of weed as it is also a natural herbal medicine," Ogot stated. He further went ahead and mentioned all the countries that had during the last 3 to 4 years legalized weed. "Countries like Colombia, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Russia, Mexico, Germany, Holland, Australia among others have legalized weed. We need to ask ourselves why now? Why the sudden global effort to legalize marijuana?" Ogot challenged the Health committee.

"Everything in life has a reason and a season," Ogot stated during his presentation. There is no doubt that the legalization of marijuana could possibly elevate the social and economic growth of Kenya as a whole.