7 ways you are vulnerable to pickpockets - and how to prevent it (Video)

I have lost count of the number of times I have fallen victim to pickpockets, especially in matatus.

Who hasn't heard stories of how these types of thieves will pretend there are cops ahead and ask guys to belt up? This happened to me when I boarded a Westland bound matatu.

During the journey, this dude seated next to me suddenly announced that there were police, and that we should funga mshipi. So many passengers quickly belted up and no one gave it much thought.

But alas! Upon alighting at my destination, I reached into my handbag only to find my purse missing. I can't begin to describe how I cursed out the thief. He had completely ruined my day.

These types of thieves use all manner of tricks to steal from potential victims, which makes me wonder how they are able to pick out who to steal from?

The video below seeks to advice people about how 'professional pickpockets' target some people and relieve them of thier personal effects.

enlisted the help of professional on-stage pickpocket Matt Windsor to enact the seven common ways we make ourselves vulnerable to light-fingered thieves – and the simple ways you can prevent them.

'Magic' Matt, the only known person to have pickpocketed a member of The Royal Family, albeit at a fundraiser, shows how crooks often team up in pairs to distract their targets.