INTERVIEW: Arnold Afuya - The Man Who Called Safaricom Customer Care Just To Send Greetings

There is more to Arnold Afuya than just "Hallo! Hapo ni Safaricom?"

It is said that an idle mind is the devil's workshop and perhaps it could be the reason why the devil gets all the blame after someone has done something regrettable.

For though, the case is very different.

The born-again Christian seems to be at his creative best when idleness and boredom creeps in and the result of him being bored recently saw him become the talk of town.

If you do not know who Arnold Afuya Mukabi is yet, perhaps you have not heard the audio clip of a man who called Safaricom Customer Care just to greet them and appeal to them not to put subscribers on hold when they try to reach them.

In an exclusive interview with, the 20-year-old revealed that he called Safaricom and recorded the clip because he was bored and feeling low.

He never thought that act of cheering himself up would go viral on social media after he shared the clip with some of his close friends.

"I remember that day very well," Afuya starts narrating of the cheeky incident, "I was feeling so bored and very low and to cheer myself, I decided to call Safaricom Customer Care and just tell them any crazy thing which will come to my mind. They put me on hold for four minutes."

"I love recording my phone calls and when I listened to myself again after my call with the customer care agent ended, I could not help laughing at myself."

After doing such a thing, one would think that advertising his craziness would be the last thing that he would do but that did not cross his mind.

He shared the audio clip with a friend of him named Kiptoo who was equally entertained by it and after getting positive feedback from him, he broadcasted it to a larger audience, a WhatsApp group, and then went to sleep.

In an ironic twist of fate, Afuya got a taste of what customer care agents go through the following day when he received so many calls and SMSes from his friends after the prank call to Safaricom Customer Care went viral.

"My phone went wild. My pastor even called and told me that he had never laughed that at," Afuya said.

Surprisingly though, his mother has not heard the clip yet and Afuya revealed it is because she does not own a smartphone.

"I hope she will hear it being played on radio soon. I pray that God blesses those who played the clip on radio including Gidi and Ghost because it made really happy and proud."

"I joined Nyce FM in January this year after they liked demos which I had sent them. In January I was not paid because I was on probation. My hardwork paid off though and from this month I will be getting paid after signing a contract," Afuya said about working for Nyce FM.

He is glad that he has got a paying job and therefore life in Nairobi will be more bearable for him. He stays in Umoja.

"At least now life will be more bearable because I will be working and earning. Before that, life was a bit hard and there are days I would go without eating. I am happy that my girlfriend has been loving and understanding and I can not thank her enough for the support she has given me all along," he said.

"I am more motivated to work even harder so that I can help my family at home. Like me, my siblings are struggling to get through school and I want to make life better for them," he added.

One would be forgiven to believe that Afuya is an ardent football fan on learning that he was born exactly 10 years after Manchester United and England captain Wayne Rooney but that is not the case.

Outside work, he loves listening to gospel music and running his where he shares most of his works.

"I used to follow Manchester United but I stopped when Cristiano Ronaldo left for Real Madrid. Nowadays, I only follow AFC Leopards and catch up on latest trends in the gospel music industry when I am not at work. I also like surfing the internet to research on content for my show as well as watch episodes of comedy shows which I have missed."

Although life has been hell for him, as he puts it, one can not help but admire his spirit in creating a little heaven for himself and those close and dear to him.

"People who see my social media pages may think I am better off because I dress well and share bible verses and inspirational posts. Unknown to them though, I persevere a lot so that I can inspire others. I hope that God will remember me and family soon," he says as a parting shot.