Planning a wedding? These are the days couples should avoid at all costs

Marriage is a crucial stage in life and to some, it's the most important day in their lives. However, there is usually debates on which days are the best to have your wedding and which ones are the worst. Some say some days are bad luck while others its just custom to have weddings on  certain days.

1.Christmas day

Even though during Christmas the decor and atmosphere is usually beautiful and many places tend to have a discount to attract more customers, getting married during this auspicious day might be a bit tricky since most people like enjoying the season with their family and loved ones.

The holiday usually brings people together .


Even though Halloween is not celebrated in many parts of the world, different countries even here in Africa have started embracing the holiday. To trick and treat.

Problem comes the holiday is mainly meant to dress up and wear costumes and the question comes are you ready to have guests coming with different costumes. You should probably think about it carefully.

3. Religious and cultural Holidays

Having a wedding during religious or cultural holidays is also a challenge. Even though it might also depend on the people attending the wedding . Most guys during this holidays love travelling and having fun ,some might feel it being a bit of a stretch .

Some holidays which might be safe include Easter, Palm Sunday, Ramadan, Lent, Passover, and Hanukkah.

4. New Years

Celebrating the beginning of a new year might also seem like a great day to do a wedding but well let me break your heart, it is not!. Preparing yourself to enter a new year isn't something many people take lightly ,hence some prepare days before on how the last day of the year will be celebrating it as they usher in a new year.

Others choose to spend time with family, other people choose clubbing, going to church, then going back home. So doing a wedding on that day might not be the best idea.

5. Extended Weekends

Most of the time when a weekend has been extended the main reason usually is that a holiday might have fallen on one of the days during the weekend hence most governments tend to push it forward.

When this takes place many people use their additional day to chill and relax indoors while other just go to do different recreational activities. A weekend being extended is never fully relied on until a government officially states it.

Meaning that you can't rely on it to use it as a wedding day, since most people may choose to relax indoors than heading out.